About Kirstin
Words and nature: besides my family and friends, these have been two great loves for me throughout my life. Some of my favorite early memories are falling asleep in the grass under the huge oak trees in the back yard of my parents’ first home; making furrows in the soil with my bare feet to help my dad plant a back yard garden; and playing outside all day long on my friend Laura’s family farm. The passion fostered by these experiences led me to become a certified Master Gardener in my early twenties, and to pursue training in ecological design in my thirties. Today, I’m grateful to work full-time as the head caretaker at GilChrist Retreat Center, which is a perfect fit for my passion for nature, my quiet presence, and my gift for hospitality. I look forward to making sure our child has many opportunities to play and explore outdoors.
And then there’s words: in junior high, I started writing poetry and took great pleasure in losing myself in books. In high school, I played softball and acted in plays, and also became co-editor of the newspaper with Rob. Our collaboration in publishing has taken a lot of forms over the past 20-plus years, including an online magazine, a quarterly print journal, and books, and I’ve also written for other publications as well. I believe the written word has great power to grow imagination and compassion, and I can’t wait to share books with our kiddo from their earliest days of life!