Happy Father’s Day
These two… Happy Father’s Day! Oscar and I think you’re pretty dang great.
These two… Happy Father’s Day! Oscar and I think you’re pretty dang great.
Yesterday, we wept with grief for the families of Uvalde, Texas. Today, we wept with joy when an unassuming piece of mail turned out to be Oscar’s birth certificate: the last official step in the process of adoption. Grief and gratitude almost always walk hand in hand, don’t they? We are unbelievably grateful to be parents to this sweet child 12 years after deciding to start a family, and at the same time, we hold the grief of disconnection on behalf of Oscar and his birth family. His revised birth certificate tells one story, but it’s not the whole story.
On our walk around the city tonight—through the petting zoo, over the rivers, around the neighborhoods—we laughed at Oscar’s silly faces and songs, and how he props his bare feet up on the tray of his stroller like a carefree traveler sipping cocktails on the beach. And we worried about the world he will inherit. “You don’t even know,” I thought at the man mowing his lawn, “what an important day this is for us.” None of us knows what courage the future will require of us. We can only hope to become brave little souls who dismantle the systems of suffering and create kinship everywhere we go in this beautiful, broken world.
I am thankful to be able to celebrate Mother’s Day as a mama this year after a long journey, but still want to remind folks: please don’t wish someone a happy Mother’s Day unless you know they’re a mom. And remember that even for some moms, it can be a day of grief and loss.
Friends, we can FINALLY share some wonderful news far and wide: our family has grown! On August 27th, we got a phone call from our adoption agency, and on August 28th, two-day-old Oscar Lewis came home with us from the hospital. Our hearts have been so full as we’ve gotten to know this sweet little baby and watch him grow from a 5 lb. 12 oz. newborn into a squiggly, happy, snuggly infant. These joyful months have not been without challenge: the legal process took an unexpected turn and COVID has made connection complicated. Thankfully, we have reached the final straightaway of the adoption process, and Oscar enjoys hanging outdoors in all kinds of weather! We’ve been so grateful for the support of family and friends through our abrupt and yet also very long-awaited transition to parenthood. Our prayer as Advent leans into Christmas is that we will have all we need to be the parents Oscar needs, raising him in community to be compassionate, confident, curious, and joyful. It will be a happy Christmas indeed in the VG-R household!
June marks the beginning of our farmers’ market season at the Huss Project. For the second year in a row, we’re hosting a market on-site, where we sell our own produce as well as produce, sweets, and other goods from local producers. It’s a lovely way to connect with our neighbors and share healthy, local food.
This year, some of our folks have designed super cool activities for kids during the market, including a “mud kitchen,” where kids can make mud creations and “serve” them to each other. There’s also a giant sandbox, a fairy garden, a reading fort, and so much more.
Another addition to this year’s market is the Fresh Food Initiative, which is a partnership with a regional food bank. During market hours once each month, families in need can come pick up a box of groceries that includes fresh fruits and vegetables. We really enjoy creating a fun, welcoming space where everyone has access to fresh food, no matter what their circumstances.
Between market days, we did manage to get away for a few days to celebrate Rob’s birthday. Lake Michigan has so many beautiful beaches and we try to enjoy the lakeshore at least a couple of times each summer. We spent three days in a row on the beach, despite some cooler temps and rain.
One unexpected surprise this month was a new kitten to join our menagerie! She showed up skinny, dirty, and hungry after a big storm with tornado warnings. She called for help and we answered. We haven’t quite settled on a name yet, but she tends to go by Stash (short for Ms. Mustache) and she charms the socks off everyone she meets!
May started with a sweet visit from Rob’s parents—our first time together after all being fully vaccinated! It was lovely to be able to share a meal together, and then take a walk at GilChrist to visit the goats. Little Bert is new to GilChrist, but he’s a sweetheart who loves attention and fits right in. Puck’s only a little jealous of the new guy.
In a bittersweet milestone, we enjoyed our first fully vaccinated, post-pandemic meal in person with our friends and co-workers from the Huss Project, but it was a goodbye dinner as some of our folks finished up their year-long term and made plans to move on to other work. We’ve SO missed sharing meals around a big table!
At the farm as the weather warmed up, we worked on a number of projects in addition to starting seeds and transplanting. Thanks to our friend Jonathon who harvested some oak logs and ordered mushroom spawn, we were able to start a variety of edible shiitake and wine cap mushrooms. It will be a couple of years before they’re ready to harvest, so it’s an investment in future deliciousness.
We weren’t the only ones excited about the warmer temps. The chickens are glad to be out of their winter home roaming the greener pastures of the farm, eating insects and fertilizing the beds. We’re really thankful to have so many animals in our lives, especially these ladies who kindly give us so many eggs!